Dicolab’s Liguria, Piedmont and Aosta Valley Hub is born. Culture to digital

More than 40 free training courses for the digital transformation of the cultural sector planned

It will be inaugurated on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 10 a.m. at the National Museum of the Risorgimento in Turin, the Liguria, Piedmont and Aosta Valley Hub of Dicolab. Culture to Digital, the training system promoted by the Italian Ministry of Culture – Digital Library as part of the PNRR Culture 4.0, implemented by the National School of Cultural Heritage and Activities and funded by the European Union – Next GenerationEU.

The Multi Italian Regions Hub will be managed by CampuStore in collaboration with Fondazione Santagata, ISTUD Business School and School of Robotics.

The Hub is part of a network of 10 hubs spreading Dicolab’s actions across the country. Culture to Digital: For professionals and practitioners of the local cultural system, a rich and differentiated range of in-person and online training on the topics of digital transformation of the cultural sector is coming soon.

The event will open with Fabrizio Pedroni of the National School of Heritage and Cultural Activities, who will explain the Dicolab project. Culture to Digital. Afterwards, the Hub’s partners – Paola Borrione, President of Fondazione Santagata; Emanuele Micheli, President of Scuola di Robotica; Marella Caramazza, Director General of ISTUD Business School; and Alessandro Ferro of CampuStore – will present the Hub’s training program, illustrating its goals and opportunities. The conclusions will be entrusted to Alessandro Bollo, Director of the National Museum of the Risorgimento, who will delve into the theme of digital transformation in museums, with particular attention to the case of the National Museum of the Risorgimento in Turin.

Liguria, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta boast about 1120 libraries and more than 580 museums and archives. This is an important cultural heritage, which digital innovation applied to the cultural sector can help protect and enhance. The Hub acts precisely in this direction, offering continuing education and professional development courses dedicated to those engaged in leading and intervening in the sector’s digital transformation process.

Between March 2025 and June 2026, the Hub will develop more than 40 courses in Turin, Asti, Baveno (VCO) and Genoa, dedicated to strengthening and developing the skills of cultural workers and professionals to make them key players in the management of digital transformation.

The program of courses will be officially inaugurated at 2 p.m. March 19 at the Cottino Social Impact Campus (Corso Castelfidardo 30/A, Turin) where the course “Virtual and Augmented Reality: immersive applications for heritage preservation and enjoyment” curated by Emanuele Micheli (School of Robotics) will be held. Participation is free – with a limit of 25 participants – after registering on the Hub Liguria, Piedmont and Aosta Valley web page.

To attend the opening event on March 19, 2025 (in Italian), register HERE.

For information and course registration, see Dicolab’s Liguria, Piedmont and Aosta Valley Hub page.

Email: dicolab_hubliguriapiemontevaldaosta@hlpv.it

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