I-RIM, the Italian Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines (https://i-rim.it/it/) is organising I-RIM 3D 2022, the fourth edition of the event on Robotics and Intelligent Machines, in the context of Maker Faire 2022.
The aim of the event is to offer an important opportunity for academics, researchers, and industrial players working in the field of Robotics and Intelligent Machines, to network, present the progress of research, and face new challenges with particular attention to the prospects and opportunities of our country.
Robotics and other professions
A process of enrichment, expansion, flexible adaptation and creation
In presence and online – 07/10/2022 – h.10 – 13
Rome, Maker Faire 2022
Several rating agencies and labour market survey organisations indicates the professions of robotic engineer and AI engineer as the most in-demand jobs today and in the future (World Economic Forum 2020; LinkedIn 2021; Eurostat 2022). These figures should encourage many young people to pursue a career and profession in robotics, which still retains in many respects the characteristics of creative craftsmanship. Furthermore, another surprising aspect of the preparation in robotics is its application to many other non-engineering professions. Robotics has changed many disciplines and professions, innovating, broadening their scope and making them closer and more adapted to the end user. This is true even if the student does not intend to pursue a career in robotics.
Thanks to its characteristics of being designed on an interdisciplinary basis, the robot, built to collaborate with humans in various functions, adapts to the user and the tasks to be performed together. Thus, robotics is enriching many professions, expanding the potential of others and inventing new ones. Interesting interfaces between robotics, neuroscience and psychology have been emerging for years. There are critical applications of robotics in medicine, oceanography, musicology, 3D graphics, educational methodologies, applied philosophy and ethics, sociology and STS (Science and Technology Studies), and art. Similarly, disciplines enriched by robotics enhance their performance.
The speakers will talk about their experiences with robotics in other disciplines and other professions, and about the critical transdisciplinary aspect of robotics studies that enable young people to innovate and expand almost all fields of action, bringing these activities closer to humans. Three young testimonials will recount their experiences in non-robotic fields, enriched thanks to robots.
The seminar will be in Italian, will last about 2 hours and will be held in presence in Rome, at the Gazometro, Via del Commercio, ISA – Room 20, and online.
Registrants will be sent a link to Zoom to access the wp remotely.
Participants who will be in Rome at Maker Faire will be able to visit the expo, which has a packed programme of events and presentations of robotics projects.
- Bruno Siciliano, Professor of Automatica and Robotics, University of Naples Federico II: From Internet of Things to Internet of Skills (IoS)
Antonio Sgorbissa, Associate Professor, University of Genoa: Diversity-aware social robots
David Scaradozzi, Researcher in Automation at the Department of Information Engineering, Polytechnic University of Marche: Marine and submarine robotics to protect and study the oceans and underwater heritage
Lucia Pallottino, Associate Professor, “E. Piaggio” Research Centre and the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa: Educational and professional paths for living and surviving robots. The repercussions of the evolution of Robotics in the training and work of young people today.
Laura Screpanti, Post-Doc in Automatica, Department of Information Engineering, Università Politecnica delle Marche: Educational Robotics and training experiences in the field of marine environmental protection.
Testimonials: three students and professionals from non-engineering disciplines inspired by robotics:
- Jacopo Cassinis, student, Oceanography
Gabriele Canepa, designer, 3D graphics for animated films
Lorenza Saettone, PhD in Social Robotics
Introduction to the topic and moderators: Fiorella Operto, School of Robotics (on online); Carmine Recchiuto, DIBRIS UNIGE (at Maker Faire in Rome)
FOR WHO: students, teachers, educators, educational scholars, support teachers, students, companies, research centres, economists.
VENUE of I-RIM at Maker Faire: https://i-rim.it/it/venue/
Maker Faire map: https://makerfairerome.eu/it/mappa/
HOW TO REGISTER: send your request to operto@scuoladirobotica.it
A few days after the seminar, the recorded lectures and materials will be published on: www.scuoladirobotica.it
DIBRIS, University of Genoa
School of Robotics, Genoa
University of Naples Federico II, Naples
Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona