Provisions of the School of Robotics on Covid-19
In the last weeks, the health emergency situation caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus has had a major impact on school life in [...]
In the last weeks, the health emergency situation caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus has had a major impact on school life in [...]
School of Robotics, partner of the European project IoT In Education - We are the Makers! is happy to invite teachers to send us an [...]
Robot for disinfection,Wuhan (STR-AFP-Getty Images) In the emergence of COVID, robots are an effective means of performing various functions by preventing human interaction, [...]
Professor Guang-Zhong Yang, Institute of Medical Robotics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Photo: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Erico Guizzo of IEEE Spectrum - the [...]
Focus on the Emergency robots In a dramatic situation like one of these days, there are many, among roboticists, robot users and robot fans, who [...]