Free enrolment to No Gender Gap courses is now open!
Everyone can register here:
No gender Gap! is the KA2 project co-financed by the Erasmus + program and with the objectives of developing a methodology and an educational platform dedicated to girls and women in difficult situations to support their technical-scientific learning.
Partners of the project are the Spanish association Building Bridges (lead partner), School of Robotics, the German non-profit organization Weltgewandt, the Dutch International Labour Association, and the Portuguese company Previform.
The project website:
In August the platforms containing the STEM courses, and in particular educational robotics, were published. The courses are in English and in partners’ languages.
To access the platform in the Italian language here:
The page requires only the subscription with your email and confirm the subscription.
The course topics are listed below and include many exercises that can be done with a simple Arduino kit.
Course topics of No Gender Gap! here below
Module 1: Robotics
- History of Robotics
What is a robot?
What does robotics mean?
Robotics everywhere?
Robot(ics) and Genre: Where do we stand?
Women in Science: Prehistory
Women in Science: Ancient Times
Women in Science: Middle Ages
Quiz module 1
Let’s discuss it!
Topic Discussion
Module 2: Robotics Components
- What is electricity?
What is voltage
What is current
What is resistance
The law of Ohm
What is the circuit?
What is a short circuit?
What is a soft circuit?
Circuit elements
Circuit elements
Practical Activities – Soft Circuits
LED and batteries
Electrical connections
Explanation of the circuit
Practical Exercise (Scribbling Machine)
Quiz Module 2
Women in Science: Electricity
Let’s discuss it!
Module 3: Robotics Components I
- What is a controller? What does automatic control mean?
What is an open loop system?
Systems with feedback (closed loop)
What is a sensor?
What is a controller?
What is a program?
What does programming mean?
What is an actuator?
A lesson in mechanics
Quiz Module 3
Women in Science: Electronics
Women in Science: Robotics
Let’s discuss it!
Module 4: Introduction to programming
- Scratch – Introduction
Scratch – Sprites
Design your mongoliferia!
Draw your background environment
Scratch – Entity
Scratch – First program
Scratch – Movements
Scratch – Events
Scratch – Properties
Explore the properties of sprites
Scratch – iterations
Scratch – Conditions
Assemble the whole
Women in Science: Coding
Women in Science: Coding – Ada Lovelace
Let’s discuss it!
Module 5: Know the robotics kit and morse code
- Introduction to the lesson
Let’s build the lamp – An introduction to Arduino
Installing the program
First setup
Make Arduino communicate with Snap!
Coding – Preliminary activity
Proposed Exercises
Coding – Telegraphy I
Coding – Telegraphy II
Let’s discuss it!