An Erasmus + project dedicated to industrial robotics
The partners' meeting of the Erasmus plus Small Scale Robotics Curriculum Development project (Project No. KA210-VET-2C05C51F - 20 March 2023 - 19th Se) took place [...]
The partners' meeting of the Erasmus plus Small Scale Robotics Curriculum Development project (Project No. KA210-VET-2C05C51F - 20 March 2023 - 19th Se) took place [...]
School of Robotics is a partner in several Erasmus and two Horizon projects. From 6 to 10 June 2023, the partners of the project A [...]
The project Educare alla Lettura. Per una Ingegneria del Racconto, (Reading Promotion. For an Engineering of Storytelling), promoted and financed by Italian CEPELL (The Italian [...]
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics opens a Call for papers for a Special Issue on Robotics in Education. Guest editors of the Call are experts [...]
Beyond risks, only benefits Beyond SUN, Smart Use of Network, is a project aimed to promote the responsible use of the Internet and new technologies. [...]
Adolescents have little awareness of the causes and consequences of traffic accidents. They tend to get distracted, have difficulty staying focused while driving and responding [...]
Michela Bogliolo, Elena Parodi, James Segre. In recent months, IO DO UNA MANO's activity has been very intense. IO DO UNA MANO is the nonprofit [...]
Every week from Monday to Friday, from June 12 to July 21, 2023 in Milan, MEET Digital Culture Center, Via Vittorio Veneto 2, in the [...]