Italian Robotics Championships 2022/2023 – Seventh Edition
Arts and Cultures: - Robotics in the service of cultural heritage The 2023 edition of the Italian Robotics Championships (the previous editions name was Robotics [...]
Arts and Cultures: - Robotics in the service of cultural heritage The 2023 edition of the Italian Robotics Championships (the previous editions name was Robotics [...]
The project, Educating to Read, Reading and Storytelling with Coding and Educational Robotics, coordinated by School of Robotics and implemented with funding from the Italian [...]
The Educare alla Lettura, Per una Ingegneria del Racconto Italian project, coordinated by Scuola di Robotica and realised with funding from the Italian Centro per [...]
Io Do Una Mano is a non-profit association that aims to help people, especially children, with congenital or acquired upper limb differences by modelling, 3D [...]
For a fascinating Erasmus + project, Science? A good story! a meeting and a course will be held from 28 to 30 November 2022 in [...]
The Erasmus plus project STEAMing for the Future launches a Space Mining Challenge! Hunting for Asteroid Treasures NASA studies reveal that the amount of minerals [...]
We are pleased to announce that Scuola di Robotica is now a member of VIA MUSICA, the prestigious network of institutions founded by Maestro Jorge [...]
The Italian project, Reading and Storytelling with coding and educational robotics in secondary school, coordinated by Scuola di Robotica and implemented with funding from the [...]