Earlycode Course on educational technologies and robotics in early education

The course is taking place online in English in the context of the Erasmus plus project EARLYCODE, an ERASMUS+ project (2018-1-TRO1-KA203-058832), with the aim of producing tools to promote and develop computational and algorithmic thinking in childhood.

The project has already produced several manuals including a curriculum, a Manual, teaching materials and games.

The free, 25-hour course takes place online from June 7-18, 2021, and will be in English. It is dedicated to teachers and undergraduates of Education with the aim of providing teachers and future teachers with materials and practices to be used in early childhood education (3-6 years) to promote the development of computational thinking, motor skills and learning.

You can find information about the Program at this link: https://www.scuoladirobotica.it/early-code-training-course/

The course includes synchronous lessons and individual Project Work, for 25 total hours

Participants will receive a 25 hours certification from Scuola di Robotica, Certified Educational center.


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