Italian Robotics Olympiad 2021, winners announced

Concluded the sixth edition, dedicated to the environment.

GAS-KO, a helmet equipped with sensors and LEDs to warn the worker that dangerous toxic substances are being produced and spread.
DAFNE BOAT, a vehicle that will have the function of cleaning the surface of lakes, ponds and collect plastic waste.
ARACHNE, a robot designed to support the work of farmers, optimizing planting and making it site-specific.

These are the winning projects of the Robotics Olympiad, organized by the Italian Ministry of Education in collaboration with Scuola di Robotica.
The main theme of the 2020/21 edition, the sixth, was the environment, starting with the slogan Water Earth Sky – Robot “Save the Planet!”. The final stages at the national level were held on June 9-10-11, 2021, in live streaming.
Teams of schools from all over Italy designed robots operating in aquatic, land or air environments. The objectives of the competition were the conception, design and construction of prototypes of robots capable of performing useful functions to improve the environmental conditions of our planet and the conditions of human life on it, for example by detecting data in a sensitive way and in unreachable places. Also this year the final of the competition has been transformed into an online Hackathon to allow remote participation to the finalist teams.
The teams received in their schools a robotic educational kit and participated to an online training dedicated to machine learning, big data and artificial intelligence, 3d design and programming.
All the projects presented during the National Final are open source, with the possibility to be replicated, modified and reproduced to provide inspiration to other students.
During the final phase of the competition, broadcasted in 4 streaming channels on Liguria Digitale, events were held with the participation of many guests, with speeches related to the use of robotics in the environmental field and beyond.

Winner teams of the three categories
Air Category: 1st place: Volteam (GasKo Project) – Technological and Economic Technical Institute “A. Volta” of Borgonovo Val Tidone (PC).
2nd place: CHeAr(IA) – Liceo Scientifico “L. Cremona” of Milan.
3rd place: Galilei Robotics – I.S.S. “G. Galilei” of Mirandola (MO).

Water Category:
1st place: DAFNE – I.I.S. “Marconi Pieralisi” of Jesi (AN).
2nd place: BLASTOISE – I.I.S. “Luigi di Savoia” of Chieti.
3rd place: iBot – I.S.S. “Calasanzio” of Genoa.

Earth Category:
1st place: ARACHNE – I.S.S. “A. Scacchi” of Bari.
2nd place: SOROBOT – I.I.S. “Sobrero” of Casale Monferrato (AL).
3rd place: DigiLAB Volta – I.I.S. “A. Volta” of Frosinone. Rome, June 13, 2021
Motivation for the i-Automation prize awarded by Omron to the Galibot team from the Galilei High School in Pescara: “To the project that has most distinguished itself for the integration between different technologies and for the purposes of innovation driven by real needs, without neglecting concrete feasibility.”

You can find the recordings of the Air, Earth and Water races and the live with the Guests on the website:



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