None excluded from digital technologies! Webinars on the Erasmus project “No Gender Gap!”.

The Erasmus plus No Gender Gap! project, of which Scuola di Robotica is a partner, has created a platform full of courses and exercises in coding and educational robotics dedicated to girls and women. Two free webinars on gender education in coding and robotics will introduce the platforms and the courses.

The platform is ready and you can access it for free here:

You are invited -to the two webinars presenting the No Gender Gap! platform, and during which Scuola di Robotica will also present other future activities dedicated to gender education, to continue the mission of No Gender Gap.

The two webinars will be held:

Thursday 24 September at 5 pm:

Monday 28th September from 5 pm to 6 pm:

The platform of No Gender Gap! contains several modulated courses even for beginners and for each group of topics the life of a woman who has contributed to the development of that subject is presented. From Hildegard of Bingen, author of cosmology and medicine to Edith Clarke (1883 – 1959), the first woman to work as an electrical engineer in the USA. Among the computer women, the so-called ENIAC Girls – Ruth Lichterman, Kay MacNutly, Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, and Fran Bilas, six women, to whom we owe the programming of ENIAC, the first electronic computer in history to be complete Turing.



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