The S.U.N. 3 project , “Smart Use of Network” , promoted by Regione Liguria, at its start.

The S.U.N. 3 project, “Smart Use of Network. Let’s surf the net in an intelligent way and use social networks with attention”, promoted by Regione Liguria (Youth Policies Department) it’s starting.

The School of Robotics has been entrusted (Decree no. 121 of 26/03/2020, Aliseo- Agenzia Ligure per gli studenti e l’orientamento) with the development of the Sun 3 project (2020-2021), dedicated in this edition to a dozen accredited bodies that provide courses in Vocational Education and Training (IeFP, L.R. no. 18/2009,) to cover the whole Ligurian territory.

The project

The activities of SUN 3 will be dedicated to the following themes:

Awareness raising on the conscious use of the Internet and social networks;
Dissemination of basic knowledge on the risks arising from the unconscious use of the network and smart technologies;
Prevention of phenomena such as dependence on the Internet in all its forms;
Training of young people who can play the role of ‘tutors’ in peer to peer ways to convey information inside and outside training places;
Enrichment of the SUN app with materials taken from courses, training including the Forum Theatre workshops.

The methodology

The objectives will be pursued using active and participatory laboratory teaching methods. The workshops will be carried out at each location of the VET providers identified.

The experts involved will be:

  • Sociologist, for the area related to communication, interaction, relationship, training of young tutors (peer to peer), negotiation, prevention of cyberbullying.
    Psychologist, for the area related to the prevention of Internet addiction (IAD).
    IT expert, for the technical-specialist area.
    Legal expert, for the area of legality and privacy regulations.
    Educators and actors, for the Forum Theatre.
    Trainers, for the support and participation in the realization of the activities.


The beneficiaries of the free SUN 3 activities will be the young people in the accredited VET institutions, their parents and families, and the tutors present in the training institutions. There will be about ten accredited Bodies providing Vocational Education and Training courses involved in the SUN 3 project.

The 300 young people involved, aged between 14 and 16 years, attending three-year professionalizing courses, oriented to the subjects in possession of the school diploma of the first cycle, will follow the workshops designed according to participatory methodology.

The parents of the young participants and their families will follow workshops that will provide them with tools to support parenting.

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